Jenna Byrne started the Water Warrior Alliance/ Byrne Ocean Conservation, with the intent to educate the community on the toxins and microplastics entering our local waterways. Her goal has always been to foster environmental stewardship in marine conservation practices, by engaging youth through Camp Coral, as well as through marine debris removal events and outreach programs. With community volunteers and partnerships, the Water Warrior Alliance is working to remedy the climate crisis with natural restorative approaches.
We call to all Water Warriors and nature lovers to sign the 30x30 petition. We need to give nature a chance to heal and thrive. We have seen measurable results through our work to improve the biodiversity of the ecosystem through protecting lands and oceans. Time is of the essence as wild areas are becoming more fragmented causing wildlife populations to rapidly decline and disappear. Within the last decade our planet's wild species have fallen 60% (2), a crisis defined by many as the 6th mass extinction. Just in the south, we have lost over 90% of our natural lands to development over the last 22 years (1). As of 2017, only 11% of Florida's natural lands have been protected (1) and development is occurring at increasingly rapid rate.
With World Ocean Day approaching on June 8th, we want remind you that conservation will always be a collaborative effort. From the seas to the shoreline, our focus is on conserving our natural resources. We encourage you to share our focus through conscientious life choices embracing sustainability and conservation. Our species cannot exist without a vital and thriving natural world. We will always support efforts of "like-minded" organizations and work together to foster resiliency of our ecosystems and its inhabitants. It is in collaboration that change can happen.
We will need many "like-minded" citizens for such a bold initiative. Please sign the petition today and share.
1. President, J. C. V., Cusick, J., President, V., Hananel Director, S., Hananel, S., Director, Adviser, C. S. S., Seeberger, C., Adviser, S., Gordon Director, P., Gordon, P., Shepherd Director, M., Shepherd, M., Director, J. P. S., Parshall, J., Director, S., President, L. R. V., Rodriguez, L., Richards, R., … Eisenberg, R. (2019, November 20). The green squeeze. Center for American Progress. Retrieved June 4, 2022, from
2. Why 30%? Campaign For Nature. (n.d.). Retrieved June 4, 2022, from